Rloe Based access control in solaris 10

The authorizations, roles, rights profiles, and privileged commands are defined in four files.

# cat /etc/user_attr        ==> lists rights profiles & authorizations
                    associated with users and roles

# cat /etc/security/prof_attr    ==> to view the rights profile names and

# cat /etc/security/policy.conf

# cat /etc/security/exec_attr file

Assigning Rights Profiles To Users
# cat /etc/security/prof_attr    ==> to view the rights profile names and

All:::Execute any command as the user or role:help=RtAll.html
Log Management:::Manage log files:help=RtLogMngmnt.html
Media Backup:::Backup files and file systems:help=RtMediaBkup.html
Media Restore:::Restore files and file systems from

First column:         Right profile name
Fourth column:         Comment
Last column:         Pointer to a help file

Help files exist in the /usr/lib/help/auths/locale/C directory

The /etc/security/exec_attr file holds the execution attributes.
An execution attribute is associated with a rights profile name.

# cat /etc/security/exec_attr

Printer Management:suser:cmd:::/usr/bin/lpstat:euid=0
Printer Management:suser:cmd:::/usr/lib/lp/local/accept:uid=lp

# useradd -md /export/home/john -s /bin/ksh john

# profiles john        ==> to view the default profiles assigned to every
                new user account

To assign a profile while creating a user

# useradd -md /export/home/paul -s /bin/ksh -P "Printer Management" paul

# profiles paul        ==> to list the rights profiles assigned to a user

# su - paul

$ profiles       

# usermod -P "Printer Management" chris    ==> to assign rights profiles to a
                        user account

This automatically updates the /etc/user_attr file

# cat /etc/user_attr

# usermod -P "Service Operator,Printer Management" username

# profiles -l chris    ==> to view the contents of a rights profile

# usermod -P "" username    ==> to remove the rights profiles

Assigning Rights Profiles To Roles

If a large number of user accounts require the same configuration and management of rights profiles, it can be easier to assign the rights profiles to a role and give the users access to the role.

Creating a Role

The roleadd command creates a role entry in the /etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, and /etc/user_attr files

-c comment  A text string that provides a short description of
            the role.

-d dir      Specifies the home directory of the new role.

-m          Creates the new role’s home directory if it does
            not already exist.

-P profile  Assigns rights profiles to the role. Use commas (,)
            to separate multiple rights profiles.

To create a role

# roleadd -m -d /export/home/level1 -c "Level One Support" \
-P "Printer Management,Media Backup,Media Restore" level1

# passwd level1

The role cannot be used until a password is applied to it

# grep level1 /etc/passwd

level1:x:102:1:Level One Support:/export/home/level1:/bin/pfsh

# grep level1 /etc/shadow


# grep level1 /etc/user_attr

level1::::type=role;profiles=Printer Management,Media Backup,Media Restore

Modifying a Role

-e expire       Specifies the expiration date for a role.

-l new_logname  Specifies the new login name for the role.

-P profile      Specifies one or more comma-separated rights
                profiles, as defined in the /etc/security/prof_attr file.

-s shell        Specifies the full path name of the program that
                is used as the role’s shell when logging in.
                These shells are special versions of the Bourne
                shell (sh), C shell (csh), and Korn shell (ksh).

# rolemod -P "profile1,profile2" -s /usr/bin/pfksh level1

# rolemod -P "Printer Management,Service Operator" level1

# rolemod -P "" level1    ==> to remove the rights profiles assigned to a role

The profile shells are pfsh, pfcsh, and pfksh. These profile shells correspond to Bourne shell (sh), C shell (csh), and Korn shell (ksh), respectively.

# roledel -r rolename        ==> to delete a role

Assigning Roles To Users

A user can have access to many roles

To assign roles to a user

# useradd -m -d /export/home/paul -s /bin/ksh -R level1 paul

# passwd paul

# roles username        ==> to list the roles of a user account

# usermod -R rolename username    ==> to add roles to an existing user account

# usermod -R "" username    ==> to remove all role access from a user

Using Roles
It is not possible to log into a role account.

Log in as a regular user first.
The roles command shows the roles available to the account.

$ id

$ roles

Switch the user to the role account with the su command

$ su - level1

$ id

$ profiles