Soft Link & Hard Link
* link means to linking some thing (or) relationship
* changes made in one file it reflects in another file.
Two types normally :
1.Soft link —————–> Different Inode Number. .eg Inode (30021) any number depending upon the system maping
2.Hard link—————>Same Inode .
Command Need to Look Up:
ls—–> list all the parameters include user,type of file,permission,Inode………
ls -lia—-> list in detail
Soft link:
bash > ln -s < old file> <new file>
-s denotes soft link
<old file> already present file
<new file> point to new file right now create by u.
Example :
bash> ln -s first second
* If the first file is deleted second file also deleted by OS it self.
Hard link:
bash > ln first second
*if the first file is deleted the second file not deleted …..